A new national agreement, the goal of the third Vice President of the Government of Lenin Moreno
The appointment of a third vice-president in less than two years of management is anew turning point for the Government. The circle close to President Lenin Moreno believes that the appointment of Otto Sonnenholzner, which on Tuesday,December 11, 2018, achieved consensus in almost all the seats of the Assembly -except Correistas -, paves the way to propose to the country a National Agreement.
Since last weekend, Moreno was absent from Ecuador to travel to China in search of commercial agreements, but it is expected that between Monday and Tuesday of next week, already in Carondelet, delegate the functions that his new partnerin the House of Government and that will revolve around a new national agreement, according to consulted sources.
This Tuesday was Sonnenholzner himself, who after being installed in the position,appealed to the consensus that generated his appointment among the Alianza Country, Creo, the Christian Social Party (PSC), SUMA and minority parties, to call the unity . “Hopefully the consensus shown today is the signal of a path that we can travel together in unity of objectives and for the benefit of all,” he said from the main lectern that is located in the middle of the legislative chamber.
Este fue el mensaje del vicepresidente Otto Sonnenholzner Sper tras su posesión en la Asamblea Nacional: "Los invito a todos para trabajar juntos por el Ecuador del futuro" » https://t.co/rmLuTAgRhn pic.twitter.com/NLLGVLsMfx
— El Comercio (@elcomerciocom) 12 de diciembre de 2018
His appointment was made with the vote of 94 assembly members. The 27 correistas voted against and only four stayed to listen to his speech. Meanwhile, seven oft hose who make up the National Integration Block (BIN), which groups minority parties, abstained. Before going out on the red carpet through the main door of the Assembly, accompanied by his wife and the president of the Parliament, the official Elizabeth Cabezas, Sonnenholzner spoke of the challenge that this position implies for him, at his 35 years, of which 12 was dedicated to broadcasting. “Being here today meant putting my life on a pause, in a professional pause, in a family break in some way too, a life to which I will return once Ihave fulfilled the commitment that I assume today as Vice President of theRepublic,” he said.
Sonnenholznersaid he went “to the President’s call, to the call of the country, as another citizen at a key moment for democracy, for ethics, for the recovery oftrust in institutions and trust in people.” The appointment took place injust under an hour and a half. Ximena Peña, coordinator of the AP, said tha ther group had a prior meeting with him to “meet and hear him.””I think the meeting was quite interesting and I think that was what consolidated the vote,” he said.
The meeting was held behind closed doors in the offices occupied by President Cabezas and included the participation of the Interior Minister, María Paula Romo. In the Plenary, each of the groups had space to intervene, through aninterlocutor chosen by their own blocks.
Jaime Olivo did it for Pachakutik and Lira Villalva for the correísta block.”Before Vice President Vicuña left they already had the short list andthey deceived us by saying that they were in trouble by arming her,” said Villalva, while her colleague Esteban Melo asked the Secretariat of theAssembly to provide him with information related to the shortlist, in which inaddition to Sonnenholzner was Nancy Vasco, from the El Triángulo Foundation,and the educational expert Agustín Albán.
They also intervened Homero Castanier, coordinator of the Creo block; Henry Cucalón for PSC – Madera de Guerrero; Guillermo Celi for the SUMA movement; FernandoBurbano, for the movement Together We can, in addition to Jimmy Candell, of the BIN, in support of Sonnenholzner. “Because of the country’s institutions,we are going to support him and we hope that you will go and honor the position of Vice-President,” Castanier told him.
Meanwhile,Alianza País Alberto Arias was responsible for moving to the Plenary Sonnenholzner profile, but like Cabezas and other legislators, had problems inpronouncing that name. “I am Otto Sonnenholzner Sper, but I want them tocall me Otto because we already know that the last name will not work,”advised the new Vice President. In the Assembly also reappeared former Minister Ricardo Patiño, who asked Jorge Glas, the first vice president of Moreno, tosuspend a hunger strike in Latacunga prison where he served a sentence forcorruption.
Agustín Albán, who was the third member of the short list, did not attend the Plenaryon Tuesday. He excused himself from attending because he lives in Mexico, wherehe is rector of the University Univermilenium. With a letter he congratulatedSonnenholzner. Phrases Otto Sonnenholzner, Vice President of the Republic”In life, experience is defined more by the trajectory than by age, byconcern rather than by youth or lack of experience, not clamored in a speech,it is clarified or it is demonstrated with actions, as the generation that Irepresent does.”
Fernando Burbano, assembly member of the Juntos Podemos movement “That this requestfor trust be followed by a broad dialogue between the nations to the”.Homero Castanier, Creo coordinator “Mr. President, we cannot go wrong, we cannot continue with a vacant vice-presidency, with a vice-presidency with commissions, with vice-presidents walking through prosecutor’s offices or courts, we cannot continue with imprisoned vice presidents being an international shame” . (I)
Source: https://www.elcomercio.com/actualidad/ecuador-acuerdo-nacional-meta-vicepresidente.html