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A Venezuelan in Ecuador
Posted On 07 Dec 2015
“It´s been 9 years since I came to ECUADOR, a warm land that has supported me, this land that is already part of me, where I have fulfilled goals and dreams, where I met a woman who has given me more than her heart, a land where I have danced, laughed, cried, but mostly I’ve started a home, in which today God and His love are the ones that lead it, but I´m always thinking of that country called VENEZUELA, cradle of my birth, pride of my blood, I remember it each day I wake up crying inside and with tears in my eyes!
When will I return to live and enjoy this beautiful VENEZUELA?, its nature, walking calmly on the streets and say this is my VENEZUELA, watching how my brothers shed blood and lost their lives to have that FREEDOM, and with the fear that one day I could not return to see my family, elections, marches and civil wars passed, seeking to find an output to our beautiful country and everything remained the same, in the same slavery, tied to a GOVERNMENT that did not solve anything, but time passed but faith and hope that someday everything would change remained dormant. Until the day came and it was this DECEMBER 6, 2015, when a new story begins to be written VENEZUELA SAYS no more CHAINS and with joy we begin to taste this great resounding victory with a glorious dawn, in which the sky is dressed again with a flag that never stopped waving its beautiful colors.
Now I can say that God’s timing is perfect though I´m not in my home country, something that in part hurts, because I can not enjoy this with family and friends, but I know I will return and I will rejoice greatly of MI BEAUTIFUL VENEZUELA THAT WITNESSED MY BIRTH.”
Testimony of Juan Molina