All candidates took their campaign to social networks in Ecuador
The candidates have turned the campaign of the sectional elections of Ecuador 2019 to Facebook. Everyone is there, those who compete for the Mayor’s Office of Guayaquil and the Prefecture of Guayas. And regardless of the size of your audience – the least present has 74 friends and the largest reaches 954,000 followers – this social network serves as an additional means of communication for propaganda, even paid.
Thus the song that Álvaro Noboa used in his campaigns for the Presidency now fits his candidate for mayor Gino Cornejo and appears on the walls of those who do not follow him, it comes out as publicity. As well as publications by Cynthia Viteri and Martha Macías, who also seek the Mayor’s Office. And Alfredo Adum, Juana Vallejo, Cecilia Calderón and Jorge Cedeño, who compete for the Prefecture.
Everyone also uses, but less, Instagram; some only by campaign season, like Balerio Estacio who opens accounts every time a candidate is cast. In 2014 he had 927 followers and published 6 photos of his travels. And this 2019 opened another, has 121 followers and has not published anything.
In those two networks Jimmy Jairala is in the top with 954,000 and 147 k (thousand).
And although the followers are not votes or win the election by networks, Cristian Espinosa, director of Digital Coverage, indicates that it can be lost when the competition is very tight. “It is not enough to publish”, it matters how many share it and if it is discussed at home. The undecided from 35 years to below could choose based on what their friends comment on networks, he believes.
On Twitter they are not all and some recently joined -with their candidate profile-: Juan Manuel Bermúdez and Eduardo Argudo (his personal account is ten years old and more followers), for the Mayor’s Office; Valentín Sala, Pierina Correa, Geovanni Lituma, Vallejo and Miguel Palacios, among those who run for the Prefecture.
There the most followed are: Viteri (263,000), Jairala (182,000), Simón Bolívar Rosero (196,000), then Francisco Jiménez (2,853), Jorge Villacreses (1,450), and further are the other twelve candidates for mayor and that they reach 500 followers, such as Carlos Cassanello, José Inca, Patricio Buendía and Jaime Lomas. With less followers in the networks and without being found on Twitter are Octavio Suárez, Jorge Coppiano and Égdar Salazar.
Luis Palacios, consultant of digital political communication, it seems right that the campaign debate is not on Twitter, but on Facebook where is the bulk of voters, and because it allows to rule by districts. Putting a video there will cost for reproduction of 1 to 4 cents, and it will go up if it is more segmented.
In the campaign to be prefect, Carlos Luis Morales and Poly Ugarte are the ones with the most presence in the networks.
Adum follows them. And only by number of followers on Facebook are Jimmy Salazar, Cecilia Calderón, Pierina Correa, Miguel Palacios, Fernando Leon, Víctor Coloma, Jorge Norero, Valentín Sala, Juana Vallejo, Leonardo Escobar, María Elsa Viteri, Jorge Cedeño, Alberto Merchán, Geovanni Lituma, Antonio Orbe. And in the accounts of Johnnie Jorgge and Luis Alvarado the number of friends is not shown.
The balance of the consultant Luis Palacios is that the digital campaigns are refined and that there is already a differentiation of messages, on Instagram they share more moments, on Facebook advertising formats, and Twitter is more informative.
And WhatsApp adds that is the most popular network that Facebook and which circulate fake news and dirty campaign. Espinosa suggests to be alert and make a more critical reading of everything that is received on cell phones, especially in these last days of the campaign, because this March 21 concludes the proselytizing and gives way to electoral silence, but in networks there is no the cessation and on the contrary – warns – more information will be unleashed to harm the rival candidates. (I)