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Bucaram claims to be a victim of intimidation
Posted On 07 Mar 2017
Ecuador’s presidential candidate, Abdalá Bucaram Pulley, officially denounced the alleged acts of intimidation in the Guayas Prosecutor’s Office, of which he and his family have been victims for days.
“State resources are being used … to intimidate my family,” said Bucaram, along with his wife, Gabriela Pazmiño and several supporters.
And according to the complainant, vehicles of “a unit that works for the Senain (National Secretariat of Intelligence),” would have parked at the exteriors of his house. “We told the National Police to ask them what they had been doing for four days, one block from my house and they identified themselves as agents of the UGSI.”
In this context, he claimed to have videos from cameras of the Citizen Corporation, and companies near his home and his cell phone.
“They delivered an envelope to my house, with photos of my family, saying that if I did not shut up, I would see those pictures on the cover of a national newspaper,” he said.
According to Bucaram, the alleged intimidation would be a direct consequence of allegations of corruption during his campaign for the presidency.
After filing the complaint, at about 16:15, the former Congressman added that for security reasons, his family would leave the country in the next few days.
On the other hand, he confirmed that Fuerza Ecuador would announce its position next Wednesday concerning the second round of elections.