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Carlos Pareja´s Family records millionaire transfers
Posted On 27 Oct 2016
Millionaire bank transfers revealed the nexus that two relatives of former Minister of Hydrocarbons, Carlos Pareja Yannuzzelli have with the corruption network of Petroecuador. It is about his son Carlos and his sister Yolanda. Fabrizzio Y., who is it linked to business transactions of the Muirfield Investment Limited company is also included in the process. Judge Karen Matamoros ordered last October 21 that the first two appear three times a week. The latter has a prison warrant. His connection is due to an alleged bribery. However, by that time Yolanda P. was already in the US, where he traveled on August 13.
The woman, 68, appears in the US immigration records as a citizen. Fabrizzio traveled to Spain on November 29, 2015, where he supposedly resides. His son, Carlos Andres, does not record any departure from the country. He was related to the case due to bank transfers received from the Girbra account, an “offshore” company owned by the Petroecuador president, Alex Bravo. These transactions consist in the International Criminal Assistance record of Panama. Between November 2013 and March 2014, this young economist received USD 393,500 in an account of Bank of America, New York (USA).
Source: http://www.elcomercio.