César Montúfar, with firm candidacy, accuses Guillermo Lasso of not having a word and reliving “old practices of the past

César Montúfar, leader of the Concertación, in statements to Ecuadorinmediato, said that Guillermo Lasso, leader of Creando Oportunidades (CREO) did not respect the previous agreement that had been closed for him to be the mayoral candidate of Quito.
He lamented that in Ecuadorian politics, with the action of Lasso, “the word is not honored”, he said, likewise, that with it, “the old practices of the past are repeated, in which the will of a leader, leader overcomes the organic processes. ” He insisted that his application is firm, but far from CREO
Montúfar mentioned that his candidacy arose as a result of an electoral alliance between CREO and Concertación. The contacts began in March 2019.
“After having worked organically for some months, after there was an agreement, which was established with the same Guillermo Lasso and myself, and, later with César Monge and Alfredo Carrasco, presidents of CREO and CONCERTACIÓN, it was possible that we reached this agreement, “he said.
He said that César Monge proposed the candidacy to the Mayor of Quito “not as a candidate of CREO, but as a candidate of the alliance.”
“It was not a last minute thing, it was a process that was carried forward for several months,” recalled Montufar, who explained that these conversations were given in perspective of what, initially, was agreed between Lasso and him.
“It was necessary to converge organizations of similar tendencies, CONCERTACION is a political center movement, CREO is a center-right movement, in the perspective of building a clear option, not only for the next sectional elections, but for the presidential and future elections of the country, “he stressed.
But the political scenario for César Montúfar changed: “Unfortunately, last week, surprisingly, there were some comments and tweets from Guillermo Lasso, a leader of CREO, absolutely abusing and contradicting the agreement we had reached,” he criticized.
Montúfar lamented that in Ecuadorian politics these situations occur, in which “the word is not honest, that personal will go beyond agreements and organizational and organizational processes.”
“The important thing here is not what politicians can say, but the proposal that can be built, that we are building and we are presenting to rescue, rebuild our city,” he said.
In his letter to Guillermo Lasso, Montúfar told him: “Neither CREO needs me nor do I need to CREO, nor you to do politics or be a candidate for mayor of my city”, when being consulted in Ecuador immediately the reasons why He contacted the movement, although he did not need it to be an aspirant to the Municipality of Quito, the politician replied: “Our vocation has always been to seek agreements, because we believe that politics is not a matter of ambitions or personal or partisan positions.”
“Quito is in such a crisis that it will be necessary the convergence of many forces, wills in order to contribute and consolidate shared visions, projects that have viability, that is the reason why we believe and continue to believe it is fundamental and necessary to continue articulating forces, summoning sectors, “he explained.
He accused that, in this event, “the old practices of the past are repeated, in which the will of a leader, leader overcomes the organic processes”.
“My candidacy for the mayoralty of Quito remains, but no longer within the framework of that alliance,” Montúfar announced, who stressed that it will be under CONCERTACION, but does not rule out possible alliances: “We are always open to talk,” he said.
“Having as a flag the honesty, the country knows me, knows who we are talking about, I am a person who works in a line of political coherence and, from that perspective, we will continue to build that project”, he emphasized.
About the nomination of Juan Carlos Holguín to the Mayor’s Office of Quito; fact announced Wednesday night in a private event, César Montúfar wished the chosen one good luck.
“It’s funny that Mr. Lasso has thrown in a private event when the week he said that they have to follow the organic procedures, it goes back to disdain, this is a coming and going of comments, one day says one thing, another day says another, “he reproached.
When asked if he would drop his candidacy if Holguin has better projections to win, Montúfar said: “I am not a pollster, I am a politician of convictions, I think I am sufficiently prepared and my career says it to lead the change, the transformation of Quito, that is not a problem of surveys, realities and trajectories”
“We think that, at this moment, you cannot play with Quito, you cannot improvise a leadership, it is about advancing in perspective to find a solution route to the problems of the country, in this case, of Quito,” he said. (I)