Child raped in school, infected with HIV
At first, he did not want to say what happened to him. Then he perked up and confessed to his parents that a bus driver raped him five times in the bathrooms of the Rita Lecumberri School in northern Guayaquil. That happened in the early months of 2014.
The 11-year-old boy, in addition to living the horror of that experience, has to battle with the mayhem of HIV. He had not reported the abuse because his assailant threatened to kill him and his family.
This is a new case of child sexual abuse occurred in a public school that came to light in the last hours and adds to the nearly one hundred cases that have been reported in the country these days.
The parent of the child denounced the fact to the Prosecutor’s Office in July 2014. A file was opened for the alleged crime, but three years later, there is still no sentence, says Abdalá Bucaram Pulley, who last Friday assumed the defense of the minor along with Pedro Granja.
Both learned about the case because the father of the child would have asked Bucaram to help him, as he supposedly felt that justice is slow, especially because at a hearing he would have seen that the defendant´s attorney was Eduardo Franco Loor (who defends vice president Jorge Glas).
Franco Loor said yesterday that he no longer ties in the case since a few months ago. The father of the affected child is scared, says Bucaram. (I)