Christian Bale Gives Award to Pro-Life Hero that Opposed Abortion in China
The star of the Batman trilogy, Christian Bale, gave an award for the defense of humana rights to the pro-life blind activist Chen Guangcheng for his work against the forced abortion in China. Bale said that his work belongs to someone brave that inspire others.
Last Tuesday, October 25, during a dinner in New York, United States, Bale gave Chen the award of the Human Rights First organization, after giving the recognition, the actor from Wales pointed out the work of the pro-life activist in name of the women and unborn children affected by the only-child policy of China.
During his thanking speech, Chen said “I believe if everyone in the world placed their human rights first, we would live in a completely different world. This is not just an award for me, but I also feel that in here I represent all those that live in countries that are not democratic.”
On October 25 was the first time that Bale met Chen, the actor had tried to visit it while he was in house-arrest, but the guards restrained his access. AV