CNE invites OAS as an observer, EU is not invited
The president of the National Electoral Council (CNE for its Spanish acronym), Domingo Paredes, sent a statement which revealed that over a matter of “principle and dignity,” the European Union (EU) will not be invited as an observer to the elections of February 17, 2013, while the Organization of American States (OAS), was invited.
Paredes said that while Ecuador keeps its “critic” focus against the OAS, the electoral court is “consistent with the petition that several political and social organizations have made of letting such entity to participate as an observer.” “So we give tranquility to the country, subjects, social actors and the media,” he added.
Additionally, Paredes said that it is possible that on the Election Day, ”sabotage” to the system would happen, “Distrust of the political organizations existed since we took office. And will keep on going, the attacks will continue. It is possible that on (February) 17, sabotage happen, is possible that in some sectors of society, intentions of sabotaging our system exists, as they did when we verify the signatures. ”
Until last Thursday, it was believed that the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR for its Spanish acronym) would be the only international organization invited to observe the elections in Ecuador. (MZ)