CNE launches technology platform for rapid counting of votes
The National Electoral Council (CNE) started to install a technological platform in the Quito Exhibition Centre to accelerate the process of the votes and do a fast count after elections on 17 February.
The electoral authority will implement this tool for transmitting the results to announce the winners of the elections on the same day. This will be achieved thanks to the support of the Central Electoral Board of the Dominican Republic. Following an agreement was reached, 1,500 computers arrived along with a similar number of scanners, among other equipment that will improve the data transmission.
The technology will process 30% of the total vote count. The equipment would work through a phone network to have automatic communication with the scanned images of the records directly from the computer to the command centre and the Exhibition Centre.
According to Juan Carlos Chico, project manager of the CNE quick count program, of the installation would be divided into three phases: customization of equipment, testing and concept trials and tests in electoral precincts, three days before the elections. In the exhibition centre 600 clerks would work in the information processing system. It is expected that the first preliminary results are known to 19:00 on the same day of the elections.