CNE’s informatic system delays candidates’ negotiations in media
Fourth days have passed since the campaign started and the eight candidates competing for the high post in Carondelet are demanding the delayed delivery of the keys by the National Electoral Council (CNE for is Spanish acronym) to advertise in the media and thus be able to start making state-funded commercials.
Cesar Monge, CREO movement representative, said, “This shows the inability of the CNE to operationally manage this process. They cannot handle the key or the system so the political organizations won’t waste time in communicating their message. What is going to happen when they have to count votes?”

Cesar Monge
However, according to the CNE, the problem was solved in the system the same day as the election campaign started.
Citizen Participation Council (CPC), qualified as seer for these elections, will present its first monitoring report on Friday.