CyberMonday, a weapon to overcome the current crisis

It is estimated that this year virtual sales in Ecuador will be about $ 1,000 million, 30% is driven by CyberMonday. But to see the growth is enough to know that in 2012 online sales were $ 400 million, according to the president of the Ecuadorian Chamber of Electronic Commerce (CECE), Leonardo Otati.
For the expert the promotions have been successful, even in this year that is characterized by deflation, customers buy 30% more virtually than when they go personally to the store.
And there are companies that manage to sell much more; an example of this is that in the CyberMonday of August had an increase of 104% of visits to the page. The best-selling destinations were Guayaquil and Quito, surpassing the passenger goal by 89%. In international destinations, the favorites were New York and Santiago de Chile. For these routes, the passenger goal was exceeded by up to 400%, according to María Fernanda Villacís, Marketing Manager of Latam.
Given the success of the CyberMonday in the region, now it is done three times a year: in the month of Mother’s Day, half a year and after Black Friday and with this also wants to encourage more Latin American buyers to virtually buy.
In the case of Ecuador, the CyberMonday grows exponentially, but a study that reveals the real amounts is missing. Otati stressed that there is a vague estimate, because there is not a report of all sales achieved by the country’s participants. Therefore, one of the goals is for businesses to mature and be aware that this information benefits the ecosystem and not the competition, since the distance between choosing one store or another is within a click and the selection is for the added value that is offered.
But there are those who go one step further in revealing the figures. Andrés Varenius, Multichannel manager of indicated that with the CyberMonday they have managed to sell in two days what is done in a good month.
A clear idea of the success of the CyberMonday promotion is also given by De Prati, its e-commerce manager Jessica Dávila explained that in last November they had more than 3,500 transactions in two days, which is what is sold in a month. The average ticket is $ 200. In the case of the CyberMami, visits grew more than 500% and in sales it was 60% of the monthly budget.
Among the strategies they use in general, businesses are accepting returns, if necessary; they grant credits in 30 minutes, they have a call center to help those who buy for the first time or want more information about a product.
Thus, last year CyberMonday Ecuador achieved a target audience of 380,000 people and a million and a half interactions on social networks. (I)