Delgado administrative acts are valid
Both Joffre Campaña and Leon Roldos Aguilera, renowned legal professionals, agree in appointing that acts of Pedro Delgado, who resigned from his duties at the Central Bank and the Trust No More Impunity, after admitting he falsified the title of economist, are valid as long as there are not any vices, ie, as long as the rules had not been broken.
For Campaña, the Public Service Act does not provide for the cancellation of the performances of an “illegitimate official” while Roldos notes that without any illegal cause of disability, it must be assumed that the decisions were legitimate and therefore have positive legal effect.
Meanwhile, for Wednesday is scheduled a morning presentation by Assemblyman Enrique Herreria in the Prosecutor’s Office, to recognize signatures and headings on the complaint lodged against the cousin of President Rafael Correa Delgado.