Doubts increase over scrutiny system of Guayas
More reports on original votes whose counting does not match the count of the National Electoral Council (CNE) continue to appear, thus creating more questions of the alleged transparency of the election process.
The Partido Social Cristiano and Madero de Guerrero alliance (PSC-MG) was the first political group to denounce irregularities in the scrutiny conducted in the Guayas Electoral Board, and now joined the Partido Renovador Institucional Accion Nacional (PRIAN) and Alianza PAIS, which saw its vote decreased when certain records entered in the system.
To these facts the PSC-MG and PRIAN qualify them as “fraud” or “theft“, while AP name them as “mistakes“.
Roberto Ponce, national candidate to the National Assembly for PRIAN, explains that the most serious fraud occurred in dozens of polling stations, in which his party disappears from the CNE results system and the percentages match 100% among those included.

Ballots of Prian showing that they do have votes in that particular board.

Such board does not have votes from PRIAN in the CNE’s web site.
A similar case was detected by the PSC-MG in its data center, which totaled 145 ballots with numerical differences. District 2, Pascuales, Los Vergeles, Male Board No. 3, where the CNE just entered two political groups: PAIS with 97.05% and Sociedad Patriotica (SP) with 2.95%, totaling 100%.

CNE’s website showing that only votes from AP and SP are being take into account.
For Enrique Pita, former director of the Electoral Delegation of Guayas, there cannot be errors in the system because they would be automatically rejected. “In more than 8 elections, I never saw circumstances like these,” he said.
Until yesterday, the CNE did not give an official statement on the subject. PSC-MG and PRIAN announced that they will not only request to open polls, but also report the case before criminal courts.