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Drivers request to be received by President Rafael Correa
Posted On 26 Oct 2016

The National Federation of Cooperatives of Public Transport of Ecuador (Fenacotip) announced yesterday the freezing of its relations with the government.
The reason, said its president Abel Gomez, is the “lack of compliance” in the payment of subsidies, the control on illegality, import quotas for buses and tires, among other topics.
He assured that there is a debt of $ 66 million in 2014 for subsidies, as for children, adolescents, people with disabilities and seniors are charged half of the price ($ 0,12). And this amounts to $ 192 million taking into account 2015 and 2016.
On illegality, he said that there are school buses that are working with passengers, interprovincial vans giving service door to door, taxis or tourism buses promoted through the press or social networks covering routes from Guayaquil to Azuay, Ambato, Quito.
Regarding import quotas for buses and tires, Gomez mentioned that were 200 buses with foreign credit.
“We want an urgent response from our president …” said the leader, who, during the announcement of this posture, was accompanied by representatives of the union of several provinces.
He said they would not attend any meetings in ministries or other agencies because they want a direct meeting with Correa.