Drug of the “Narco-bus” was embarked in Jamundí, said the driver

Claudia O. states that the vehicle was stopped for five days in Huila due to failure of the clutch. The woman confessed that she met the leader of the “Merchants of the frontier”, Jesus Santofimio.
The first trip was made in November
In November of 2017 Claudia O., processed in Ecuador for the crime of drug trafficking, made her first trip in the “narcobús”. She was invited, as a passenger, by her friend Carmelina Idrobo, whom she met three years ago, to attend a trip with everything paid to Bolivia. “It was a super good trip,” recalls the woman in the testimony given on August 30 in the Judicial Police of Colombia.
That day, the Ecuadorian Prosecutor’s Office issued the request for “red diffusion” against the woman and on August 31 she was captured. Currently, the request falls on the National Court of Justice of that country, which must approve her extradition, based on the documents of the Colombian Ministry of Justice.
If she arrives in Ecuador, she will have access to a public defender, since her lawyer in Colombia, Elmer Montaña, said that the woman does not have to pay her fees. The case is in fiscal instruction in the Judicial Unit of Calderón, in the north of Quito, for 120 days until September 27. In addition to Claudia O., also have arrest warrant driver Christian Andrés P., 27, who is detained at the Los Olivos Traffic Offender Center. His wife Juliett B., 47, who is still in the Calderón hospital with injuries to the buttocks. Martha G., 42, who invited people to this trip and is now in the hospital Eugenio Espejo with fractures.
Finally it consists Germán G., of 27 years, who would be the nexus with the band. After the first trip in November, Claudia O. was hired as “tourist guide and nurse”. The last and fourth trip, which ended in an accident on the Pifo-Papallacta road and 24 people died and 25 were injured, was planned on Saturday, August 4.
Beneath the bus seats of the Transportadores del Oriente cooperative and hermetically sealed were 584 packages (579 kilograms) of cripy marijuana. Carmelina Idrobo, who died in the accident, called Claudia O., a bachelor, 40, to inform her of a new trip to Peru.
Claudia O. confesses in her testimony that she worried about the gratuity of the trips from the second route. But, Idrobo told her that it was to “launder money of a politician, justify a few extra expenses”. In all the trips they went through Rumichaca.
Esta noticia ha sido publicada originalmente por Diario EL TELÉGRAFO bajo la siguiente dirección: https://www.eltelegrafo.com.ec/noticias/judicial/12/droga-jamundi-accidente-pifo-narcobus
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Meeting with the leader Santofimio On the last trip, which left on August 5, Idrobo asked her to get more people to travel. So she called her friend Martha G. She gave her 400,000 pesos ($ 131 with the change to 3,053 of the official peso), from the million pesos ($ 327) her salary was.
In total it charged 2 million pesos ($ 655). But before leaving, Idrobo embarked her in a car, white, with license plates from Neiva (Huila) and there she met Jesus David Santofimio, leader captured in Colombia from the band “Mercaderes de la frontera”, and gave him a million pesos ($ 327).
Santofimio wanted the bus to travel full, so he ordered it canceled, but then the driver Christian, at the decision of his boss, left after 9:00 pm that Sunday. On the trip -the testimony collects- they arrived in Popayán and there they went astray because they were told that the road to Pasto was closed and they went on a “trail” to San José de Isnos (Huila, capital of Neiva).
There they remained five days for clutch damage, even a mechanic from Pitalito Huila. Several passengers wanted to return, but they offered a tour of San Agustín de Huila. There, 10 Venezuelans and two more Colombians embarked.
One night before moving to Ecuador, Claudia O. went out to a disco with the driver Christian, his wife Juliett, Germán G., the other driver Bayron, who passed away. According to the woman, Christian confessed between drinks that “I had loaded the bus in a parking lot in Jamundí (Valle del Cauca)”.
The next day, Idrobo confirmed to her that they did carry drugs. But he did not denounce for fear of reprisals against his mother and son. Account that the bus had to arrive until Huaquillas, because the rest followed Peru in another fleet. At 04:00 on August 14, Idrobo shouted at the driver to go more slowly. But, he said no, “I’m already without brakes,” he shouted. That’s when the accident occurred. (I)
Source: https://www.eltelegrafo.com.ec/noticias/judicial/12/droga-jamundi-accidente-pifo-narcobus