Ecopaís Will Use Artisanal Alcohol
Around 8000 artisan producers of alcohol in the Provinces of Canar, Bolivar and Cotopaxi will be providers of biofuel program EcoPaís.
“The idea is to direction the alcohol produced in the local liquor industry to Petroecuador and make them join Ecopaís project” says Millán Ludeña, advisor of the Coordinating Ministry of Production (Mipro).
The project includes the creation of partnerships among alcohol producers involved in the process, which benefits manufacturers who were informal.
The machinery that converts the alcohol into ethanol will be ready in six weeks, as well as the payment that the alcohol producers will receive, Millán Ludeña.
In Ecuador there are 40 thousand producers of alcohol, the objective is for everyone to join the project so that the country’s gas stations dispense cleaner fuel.