ECSA built a containment wall in the Shuar community Yanua Kim
Ecuacorriente S.A. He carried out theconstruction of a retaining wall in the Shuar Yanua Kim community, located inthe area of influence of the Mirador mining project, in the province ofZamora Chinchipe.
The mining company invested $ 8,870 in the work,which reaches 50 meters long and three meters high. The works were extended fora week by a builder from the Tundayme parish.
This retaining wall provides security to theinhabitants of Yanua Kim, who were affected by the flooding of their homes andcrops every winter, when the river increased its usual flow and flooded thesector.
“When executing this work, weprioritize the safety of families,” said José Cárdenas, CommunityRelations Coordinator. Additionally, a smaller retaining wall was built in theentrance of a rubbish dump located in the area.
The residents of Yanua Kim, a population devotedmainly to agriculture, were grateful for the execution of the wall, whichcomplies with the technical standards of safety and risk prevention.
This construction is part of the CommunityRelations Plan, a component of the Environmental Management Plan approved bythe Ministry of the Environment for the Mirador mining project. (I)