Ecuador, in a silent commercial fight with other nations
If other countries in the region do not facilitate the entry of Ecuadorian products into their markets, Ecuador traces a plan to do something similar. That is summarized into the punishment the country has begun to apply to 38 tariff subheadings of products that come from Colombia and Brazil. And although entrepreneurs understand the measure, they do not share the way in which it is applied. They complain about the obstacles this generates in their daily activity and warn about a possible price increase of the imported product.
The measure implies that these products, once they have entered Customs, begin to be qualified with more rigorous parameters that prove their origin. And that, until that happens, the importers are obliged to cancel a guarantee for the payment of tariffs that, in case of irregularity, have to be taxed to these articles.
Gabriela Uquillas, an expert on customs issues and business adviser, explains that both measures are legally justified by the restrictions Colombia has been applying for years to certain Ecuadorian products such as rice; and Brazil to Ecuadorian banana and shrimp. However, importers question the measure and the economic effects. (I)