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Ecuador in search of exporting cosmetics
Posted On 06 May 2014
Multinationals Belcorp, Qualipharm, René Chardon and Yobel, associated to Procosmeticos, have purposed to move towards the foreign market to expand their participation in the local manufacture of cosmetic products. The projection of national production for this year is estimated at approximately $ 13 million.
The goal is to increase the local manufacture and replace imports, through an agreement signed by the Ministry of Industries and Productivity with the Ecuadorian Association of Direct Sales (AEVD) and Procosmeticos.
Governmental technicians toured the facilities of these companies to assess its qualitative, productive capacity and the personnel training.
Ana Saravia, Director of Belcorp, celebrated the public policy of the Mipro: `it opens us the possibility of exporting Ecuadorian manufacturing products around 15 countries where the multinational operates´ with products such as fragrances.