Ecuador Will Test Digital TV
During the second half of the year, Digital TV will start working in Ecuador in order to test new techniques and develop a new system, informed the Ministry of Telecommunication and Information Society (Mintel) at the fifth International Digital Television Forum.
The Ecuadorian Government will also define a roadmap of policies and regulations to ensure the correct use of this technology.
After a ministerial agreement was signed, the Technical Commitee for the Introduction of Digital Terrestrial Television in Ecuador was created. For the transition to digital television, this Comitee will prepare a Comprehensive Outreach Plan, implementation process, design proposals for user protection, research, development and training plans.
Mintel is working in cooperation with the Japanese government, through the public company of Television and Radio of Ecuador RTVEcuador. They tested the digital transmission signals with coverage in Quito and the Mintel Japanese NHK channel, which was able to receive 742 television programmes and educational documentary content.
Digital television will optimize the radio spectrum and will include new interactive audiovisual services.