The Spanish Police, in collaboration with the Ecuadorian Police, released 14 women sexually exploited in Spain after being captured in Colombia and Ecuador with false promises of jobs in nursing homes, in an operation with nine detainees.
As reported by the Spanish Police, this Friday, April 26, 2024, the arrests occurred in the provinces of Valencia and Murcia and six of the detainees were placed in provisional prison.
The detainees are accused of crimes of trafficking in human beings for the purposes of sexual exploitation, against public health, related to prostitution, favoring illegal immigration and belonging to a criminal organization.
Apparently, those arrested forced “their victims to engage in prostitution in the same room in unsanitary conditions,” he said in a statement.
The police investigation had the collaboration of the non-governmental organization Our Rescue, which fights against human trafficking and child sexual exploitation in the world.
The gang recruited the victims in their country of origin, Colombia and Ecuador, “taking advantage of their precarious situation, after deceiving them with the promise of coming to Spain to work caring for the elderly,” he said.
“Once they arrived in our country they were forced to practice prostitution,” added the Police after an operation that also uncovered a cocaine laboratory. EFE