Ethics Committee of the National Assembly generates opinions

The creation of an Ethics Committee of the National Assembly within the Organic Law of the Legislative Function generated discrepancies, excuses and clarifications among the assembly members.
The president of the Commission of Justice, Marcela Aguiñaga (of the self-styled group of the Citizen Revolution), which deals with the project, denounced that since the presidency of the Assembly maneuvered to prevent lawmakers from attending the committee to approve the existence of the Committee of Ethics.
She added that there was also an erroneous warning that the Committee was subtracting powers from the Legislative Administrative Council, when in the end the commission resolved a mixed formula; that is, that the Ethics Committee will be in charge of investigating a legislator and recommending her dismissal for acts of corruption; while the CAL will impose administrative sanctions and even fines to legislators and servers.
The president of the Assembly, Elizabeth Cabezas, clarified that the concerns arise regarding the functions that the Ethics Committee would have.
She said it is important to correct the shortcomings detected, but it is also necessary to clarify that administrative issues cannot be dealt with in the legislative sphere, but those that involve the involvement of the assembly members.
Cabezas requested by means of an official letter to the Justice Commission that the process of reforms to the Law of the Legislative Function be suspended and that the scope of the conformation of the Ethics Committee be first explained to the CAL.
Henry Cucalón (PSC) stressed that the proposal does not remove any attribution of the CAL, at the moment of proceeding to investigate an assembly member due to acts of corruption.
Galarza case
Next Tuesday, the president of the Assembly, Elizabeth Cabezas, will convene the plenary to meet and resolve on the reports of the multiparty commission that investigated Assemblywoman Ana Galarza (CREO). In the Parliament it is debated if after knowing the reports on Galarza, a resolution of dismissal or absolution arises. (I)