Exports of the country will amount this 2018 to $ 22,309 million
They are the best commercial figures of the last decade for the country. Ecuador does not say it, but the last ECLAC report called “Perspectives of International Trade in Latin America and the Caribbean”.
The study determined that Ecuador’s total exports, in value, will grow approximately 14% in relation to 2017. That is, Ecuadorian sales abroad will increase from $ 19,621 million, in 2017, to $ 22,309 million in 2018.
That means an increase of $ 2,688 million. That national growthsurpassed Chile, Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Mexico, Paraguay and Argentina. Onlybetween January and September of this year, exports amounted to $ 16,174million, which means an increase of 15.2% over the same period of 2017.
During this period, it increased $ 2,131 million. Based on the ECLAC report, the Ministry of Foreign Trade indicated that the outlook for the rest of the year shows a recovery in non-oil exports, being the year of greatest sales of non-oil products, with $ 9.546 million up last September that means an increase of $ 481 million compared to last year.
The State portfolio reported that the increase is 5.3% compared to 2017 and 15% in 2016. The ministry projects that until the end of 2018, non-oil exports will amount to $ 12,643 million. In addition, it considers that the growth of non-oil sales resumed the positive trend.
That is why it is rated as the best performance in the last decade, based on the period from January to September. It should be noted that the main destinations are the European Union and the United States.
The latter is the main commercial partner of the country.Regarding oil sales, the State portfolio determined that there is”considerable recovery” until September of this year, with a growthof 33.1% over the same period last year. That is, exports in this field were $6,628 million in that period. (I)
Source: https://www.eltelegrafo.com.ec/noticias/economia/4/exportaciones-ecuador-2018-usd22309millones