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Failed requests for information and judgments filed in the National Assembly
Posted On 03 Jan 2017
Between 2013 and 2016, there was constant criticism by Assembly members of the opposition to the oversight processes instituted in the Assembly that resulted in failed requests for information and filed political trials.
According to the website of the Assembly, legislators have made 5,249 requests for information to authorities; Of these, 4,619 were answered, but there are some who maintain that theirs were never answered.
One of these cases is that of Diego Salgado (CREO), who has made 170 requests for information so far in this period and has obtained five answers, all from the National Audit Office.
Among the pending requests is the one made by the Ministry of Justice on the investigations conducted over the assassination of the former commander of the Air Force Jorge Gabela; To the Ministry of Defense on the Dhruv helicopters, and other cases.
“According to the Organic Law of the Legislative Function, the assembly members have the power to require information from public officials, but the orders of President Rafael Correa issued during the weekly addresses are above the norm and the Constitution,” he said.