Figures from the electoral register and the census do not match

According to former electoral vocal, Fausto Camacho, the Change of Address electoral campaign, where 1,5 million ecuadorians participated, is a valid factor in the difference of figures between the electoral registry and the 2010 census.
The National Electoral Council (CNE for its Spanish acronym) introduced the number of voters in the electoral register and found out that there is a difference of two million voters with the figure given by the Census of Population and Housing of 2010.
According to the electoral body, the number of Ecuadorians enabled for suffrage is 11’666.478, while the 2010 Census found that there are 9’663.602.
The electoral vocal Nubia Villacis defends the electoral registry figure claiming that the CNE obtained information from the Civil Registry.
It should be noted that the Civil Registry, until July this year, had digitalized 72.2 million records, ie 77% of the task. The remaining 23% would be ready in a year and a half.
Former electoral Vocal, Fausto Camacho says that “the task has been partially complied with the cleaning of public records,” and explains that it must meet two technical procedures:
- Digitization of cardboard sheets with fingerprints.
- The comparison of that information with actual fingerprints of citizens.