Former judges shall be compensated with $ 200,000
That is the amount that shall receive each of the 27 former judges of the previous Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ for its Spanish acronym) and the seven former judges of the extinct Constitutional Court (TC for its Spanish acronym), as compensation for their dismissal of such institutions during the government of Lucio Gutierrez in 2004, as established by the Inter American Court of Human Rights (IACourtHR), based in Costa Rica.

Former Judge Arturo Donoso participates in the trial before the Court of Human Rights in San José (Costa Rica), on the dismissal of the 27 members of the Supreme Court of Justice of Ecuador in 2004.
The Prosecution’s Office, representing the State, admitted that the rights of these professionals were affected and therefore, the demand has been partially acquiesced.
On its behalf, the Inter American Court will return to session this and next month to issue a final and binding verdict.
One of the deposed former judges, Teodoro Coello, said that the sentence will create a precedent for the defense of legal security and for the democratic principles that underpin the rule of law.

Representatives of the victims, Camilo Avila (left) and David Cordero participated in the trial before the Court of Human Rights in San José (Costa Rica).