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Four months to reverse the high level of electoral indecision
Posted On 18 Oct 2016

With a level of uncertainty between 47% and 51.7%, according to two polling firms, the electoral process formally starts tonight after the call of the National Electoral Council (CNE).
According to Perfiles de Opinion, 47% has not yet decided for whom to vote and 53% already has its ‘candidate.’ For the Market firm, the undecided represent a 51.7%, and those who already took a decision a 48.3%. Both measurements are from last week.
The elections will be held on February 19, 2017; i.e., that hopefuls have four months to reverse that indecision, that according to five respondents, is because none of them has yet managed to connect with their needs. And that is their challenge. Specialists attended on Friday the Eighth International Meeting of Political Consultants.
Argentinian Diego Dieguez thinks that a candidate should be clear that the apathy is part of a problem: “People do not feel represented by politicians, they understand that although the people trust them, they will do what they want.”
Hence, he says, they have to approach the elector talking about topics that interest them, emphasizing their local or regional proximity. A recent poll by Market indicated that the three problems of most concern in the country are unemployment, the economic crisis, and the insecurity.