G-8 summit supported democracy in Middle East
G-8 summit supported democracy in Middle East
The G-8 summit ended with the commitment to promote democracy in Arab countries by providing them a financial package of $ 40,000 million.
Leaders from the G-8 invited the Prime ministers Esebsi Beji Caid, Tunisia and Esam Charaf, Egypt, the second day of the summit focused on the support of countries that are beginning their road to democracy.
It also threatened Syria with “other measures” and reaffirmed that Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi “must go”.
The summit was unanimous for Libya. Including Russia, the G-8 leaders agreed that Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi “has lost all legitimacy” and “must go”, because “there is no future in a free and democratic Libya.” Moreover, the IMF announced Wednesday that an independent study loans of up to 35,000 million dollars to the oil-importing countries of the Middle East and North Africa.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy and U.S. President, Barack Obama, reaffirmed their determination to “finish the job.” Meanwhile, Russia is positioned as a possible mediator in the conflict.