Glas and Correa are accused of an alleged murder
Before journalists in Guayaquil, he explained the timeline of this new criminal complaint against the two former state officials.
Glas narrated on October 29, 2016, he and his son went to a concert by the rock band Metallica, where his security asked someone who took a photo of him to delete it after being mistreated by the security of the former vice president of Ecuador.
The father who filed the complaint against Glas and Correa claims that his son was the one who took the photo and that this mistreatment led him to make this fatal decision to jump off the El Chinche bridge .
Glas says that on October 16, 2019, three years after his son’s death, the father made the complaint in Babahoyo . During all this time, the complaint did not progress until October 25 of this year when the Police notified him of the beginning of the investigation.
Extortion complaint
During this same press conference he discussed the issue of the complaint of extortion for $350,000 that he presented to Justice on October 18. He claimed that Mrs. Padilla extorted him at the studio where he broadcasts his radio show. He showed a photograph of a law firm where they had requested payment to not share the audios they had about a conversation between him and his former advisor, Padilla.
Teleamazonas reports that Glas reported at a press conference that the day he went to recognize the signature in the Provincial Court he discovered that his complaint and the entire file had been deleted, “my complaint no longer exists,” Glas stated.