HRW dissatisfied with U.S espionage reform
This morning, Human Rights Watch expressed its disagreement for the reform of espionage of the United States, informed by President Barack Obama, which ratified that the ” privacy invasion” will continue on a massive scale, through its secret services and telephone and Internet companies.
“He didn’t say we have a right to privacy,” said Kenneth Roth, executive director of the NGO in its annual report on the reform of the National Safety Agency (NSA.)
The methods used by the NSA consists in “putting a video camera in your bedroom,” says Roth, who assures that the “message” of the U.S. President was “We will continue to do so,” in relation to the mass storage of data and communications from citizens and leaders, arguing that they can be used “against any terrorist threat”.
This follow-up involves “the renouncement to all our private rights,” using, in addition, captured data from telephone companies, internet or social networks.
This follow-up involves “renounces to all our private rights,” using, in addition, captured data from telephone companies, internet or social networks.