Jefferson Pérez will register his candidacy for the Mayor’s Office of Cuenca

Through a political convention, as part of the primary elections, the night of this Monday, December 17, 2018, the double Olympic champion Jefferson Perez, was officially elected as a candidate for the Mayor of Cuenca by the political movement Renace.
This Thursday, December 20, at 10:00, will register his candidacy in the delegation of the National Electoral Council of Azuay, located in the center of Cuenca, for the elections of March 24, 2019.
Perez is the sixth candidate who seeks to reach to the Mayor’s Office of the capital of Azuay. The others are the current burgomaster Marcelo Cabrera, the prefect of Bolivia Paúl Carrasco, Juan Campoverde, César Piedra and Diego Delgado. There are three others that have not yet made it public.
In his Twitter account, the ex-businessman and current entrepreneur said “Today we start a Basin that is reborn with a new generation of committed citizens, because the old leaderships are over. Cuenca needs and demands a modern, dynamic Government of open doors and accounts “.
Hoy iniciamos una Cuenca que renace con una nueva generación de ciudadanos comprometidos, ¡porque ya se acabaron los viejos liderazgos! Cuenca necesita y exige un gobierno moderno, dinámico de puertas y cuentas abiertas!
— JEFF (@jeffersonperezq) 18 de diciembre de 2018
Most of the candidates of this movement for the rest of dignities -as councilors, members of parish boards- are young and new in politics like Johana Heredia, Esteban Ugalde, Diego Chacón, Geovana Gallardo, Omar Álvarez, among others.
According to Pérez, there are people who invited him to be part of a change for Cuenca a long time ago “and today I made that important decision in my life to contribute to my city”. Also, he said that his allies will be ordinary citizens, who see daily needs.
"Desde hoy trabajaremos por una Cuenca que Renace!" #CuencaRenace
— JEFF (@jeffersonperezq) 18 de diciembre de 2018
The primaries of Renace were fulfilled as part of the pre-requisite to the registration of candidacies and had a high participation of followers and adherents of this political movement.
Renace is a new movement that achieved its registration in the National Electoral Council with 8 300 qualified signatures, of the 40,000 submitted. He will participate with the number 107 and has more than 800 permanent adherents and define themselves as a liberal humanist. (I)