Jorge Glas denies the alleged plagiarism of his university thesis

Jorge Glas
Last Sunday, the former Strategic Sectors Minister, Jorge Glas defended the authenticity of his thesis saying that the alleged plagiarism for which he is accused is according to a “political issue and bad faith“.
Glas made these remarks during an interview on ‘Counterpoint’ of Gamatv, where he was firm on his technical work and claiming it is not a copy, but the basic framework for any such system. Regarding his thesis on the ‘Implementación de una red de última milla inalámbrica de transmisión de datos a nivel nacional para servicios portadores’, said that he along with his partner Luis Calle and became operational in 2003. Glas added: “No one believes about the reason for my technical report.”
Meanwhile the assembly Jorge Scale (MPD) and Galo Lara (PSP) accused Glas with the Prosecutor for the alleged plagiarism of his thesis, where at least 50 pages of the report were allegedly taken from sites. Moreover, the Spanish Jose Manuel Huidobro confirmed that 11 pages of the thesis are from his article on WiMAX, which was published in, in 2004.
Given these allegations the vice presidential candidate in the formula that leads the current president, Rafael Correa, expressed that the same content “is in at least five web pages. They want to say I’m a lazy student it’s an outrage.”