José Tuárez, accused of delivering false certificates in CPCCS contest
The voluntary resignation of Councillor José Tuárez or the cessation of his functions by the Council of Citizen Participation and Social Control (CPCCS) is what the Citizen Observatory of Public Services is proposing, which on Friday will present a complaint against the official in the Assembly and to this same council, in Guayaquil.
The request is made by César Cárdenas, director of this observatory, who announced yesterday alleged irregularities that would have committed Tuárez since his nomination.
According to Cárdenas, the current head of the CPCCS presented in his resume and in his nomination form, which are notarized public instruments, information about functions and positions that he would not have exercised.
Cárdenas, who is also a member of the Anti-Corruption Commission of Guayas, bases his affirmation on certifications from several institutions with data that, presumably, do not coincide with what was declared. “All the information in this résumé and in the form is under oath. When you notarize (…) everything you have here must be true, but we have found things that don’t exist,” he said.
He said that by e-mail the prior of the convent of San Esteban de Salamanca-Spain informs that Tuárez “did not have any position or function.
According to Cardenas, this information contradicts what Juarez said in his resume that he was director of human resources in the administrative area of the convent.
He said that Tuárez declared that he had been director of the radio Voz del Santuario, Baños, from January 8, 2005 to January 12, 2006; but the Order of Dominican Fathers of that parish states that he “was not named nor did he exercise” that position “nor could he be because during that year the direction was carried out by an Association of Lay Workers of the radio station.
Cardenas showed a copy of a letter from the Vice-Province of Santa Catalina de Siena, dated January 18, 2019, which bears the signature of Tuárez. In this document, the prior tells her that if her intention was to continue living in community, she should in obedience renounce her candidacy and in the following 15 days, in absence, abstain from issuing a statement to the media.
He also showed copies of certificates that recognize the work of Tuárez and identify him as a “fourth level graduate. The latter is questioned because in the country there is no such degree, but on the page of the Secretariat of Higher Education (Senescyt) is registered a degree in Theology from the University of Salamanca, Spain, as a postgraduate.
Tuárez did not pronounce on these denunciations; yesterday he met with his team in Quito in a reserved manner.
Session suspended
The plenary of the CPCCS was convened at 15:00 yesterday for a session, but two hours later it was suspended because it kept reviewing the profiles of those who will occupy the secretariats of Transparency and the Fight against Corruption and the General Secretariat. Victoria Desintonio assured that there was a meeting between the seven advisors; then they were asked to leave. (I)