Lenin Moreno says that “apparently” there was a tacit agreement of Correa with drug trafficking

President Lenin Moreno has told the Colombian chain Caracol that “in the previous government there seems to have been a tacit agreement to allow narcotics to move freely in the north of Ecuador.”
Has added; “It is something that hurts us greatly, because when I gave orders not to let a single gram of cocaine pass through our territory, these violent acts immediately followed.”
When the director of Caracol, Juan Roberto Vargas, asks again if there was a tacit agreement between the previous government and violent groups in Colombia, Moreno responds: “I could not say because none of that is made public. But the truth is that there are several reasons: deactivated radars that have just been activated … completely dismantling the operational capacity of an army, malfunctioning helicopters, etc., etc., make us regretfully presume that there could have been an agreement of some kind. Maybe, unspoken. Not necessarily conversed, but unspoken. “(I)
Source: https://www.larepublica.ec/blog/portada/2018/08/07/moreno-dice-parecer-hubo-acuerdo-tacito-correa-con-el-narcotrafico/