Luis Sarrazin discusses the use of larvicide Bactivec
Renowned paediatrician and former Health minister, Luis Sarrazin, defends the report submitted by the technicians of the Malaria Service, which does not recommend the use of the larvicide. Meanwhile, the current Health Minister, Carina Vance, rejected last week the criticism of the Bactivec larvicide, adding that those who made the report against the product will be investigated and punished.
For Sarrazin, the SNEM technicians who signed the report know what they are saying because they have more than 30 years doing many technical papers, and many of them have been consultants for the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) in other countries.
Regarding the allegations made by the health minister, Sarrazin said that her position has allowed her to insult and slander her own officials. He added, “She may sanction if she wants, but the penalty is unconstitutional, arbitrary, dictatorial and impossible to accept by any person of good, because it goes against the true facts.”
Sarrazin stated that the well-supported report, discusses strategies for its implementation. Meanwhile the minister Vance complained to the ambassador of Cuba in Ecuador, who came out to defend the Bactivec and the commercial sale of the product by a Cuban company. The minister said that the product is endorsed by PAHO, but Sarrazin said no, he assured as an expert from WHO and PAHO consultant that these entities have not endorsed the product.
Finally, the former health minister said that the contract should be terminated, return the product and request a refund. “That’s what any correct person would do,” he said.