Luluncoto case keeps postponing in court
Last Friday, the judges of the Third Criminal Court of Pichincha again decided to suspend the adjudication hearing against “The 10 of Luluncoto“, so tomorrow, the hearing will be reinstalled in privacy in the building of the National Court of Justice (CNJ for its Spanish acronym), north of Quito.
According to Ciro Guzman, defense attorney in the case, the judges told him that because they had to attend other cases, they only had two days of hearings in the next two weeks: February 6 and 13.
Yesterday, Carlos Tapia, his daughter Fauda Tapia (processed), and Delia Sandoval, mother of Cristina Campaña (processed), gave a press conference in Guzman’s office, where they questioned the resolution of the judges and recalled that when the judgment was installed on last January 21, the Court gave path to the trial despite the objection of the defense over the absence of 40 of its witnesses.
Fadua Tapia linked the trial dilation with the electoral process. “The government knows that if there is a conviction against us, it would affect the elections,” said the defendant.
Although the judgment is reserved, some details of the first two days of the trial were leaked on social networks, which revealed that several witnesses in the prosecution admitted having no evidence linking those investigated with the planting of the pamphleteering bombs which exploded between November and December 2011 in Quito, Guayaquil and Cuenca.