Ministry of Culture indicated that Guayas has more cinemas than libraries
A study by the Cultural Information System of the Americas, formed by the Ministries of Culture of Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru and Jamaica, shows the five subsystems that make up the cultural platform and heritage of these countries.
Among its components, it is shown a cultural view of the infrastructure: how many museums, libraries, theaters, and archives have each province and where they are located.
This study indicates that in Ecuador, Guayas is the province with the largest number of cinemas in the country. It has 12 complexes, while Pichincha has 10 and Manabí has 3.Instead, Santa Elena, El Oro, Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas and Tungurahua have one each.
This is the only item that Guayas is in first position, because it ranks third in terms of archives records (190) and libraries (88) and ranks fifth in terms of museums (18). In all items, Pichincha has more infrastructures.
The site, funded by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) belongs to the Atlas of the Americas.
Through the link people can access to this information. Upon entering the section of Ecuador, on the left, you can check on the socio-demographic data, ethno-linguistic diversity, natural and cultural heritage, media that are related to culture and household equipment.