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Montañita celebrates its new champion
Posted On 04 Feb 2013
Thanks to Roberto Rodriguez champion of the Reef Classic Montañita 2013, the title stays in Ecuador.
Bibi, as some of his fans call him, was the main figure of the 33 surfers of the Ecuadorian delegation. Among them were Noe Bergwinkl, Fabio Dapelo, Snaider Parrales, Michel Soriano, Iliana Aguirre and Titi Vargas.
Rodriguez’s main advantage, beside his precision and maestria, was his knowing of the waves of Montañita beach. Choosing carefully each wave, the Ecuadorian surfer did a pretty good route where he scored 14,50 points, winning the first place and the $700 award.
The Costa-Rican Noemar McGonagle ended second with 13,37 points, followed by the Ecuadorian Dapelo (11,37), and Brasilian Luan Wood with 7,70 points.