Municipality ensures that the population is still exposed to risks because of the pipeline
That was the Ratification sent by the Municipal Directorate of Environment referring to the Hazard and Operability Study Hazop-Pipeline Monteverde-Chorrillo, from Petroecuador to the Municipality, which provides that “The variable ‘exposed population‘ has not been addressed in the presented Hazop, reason why the application of Hazop cannot eliminate the imminent threat of the population exposed to the operations of the pipeline. ”
Hazop is a technique for analysis and identification of risks related to the handling of hazardous systems, which helps deal with scenarios of possible incidents in order to prevent, control and minimize these risks.
After the Municipality requested Petroecuador for a study of the environmental and industrial safety impact to know the risks that the population would be exposed to and the security measures to be applied in case of a disaster, the state company said that they hired Venezuelan consultant NCT Energy Group, which says that “the leak detection system implemented with the use of automated block valves and cut allows a high level of protection at the time of leaks” of the product.
On his behalf, Camilo Ruiz Alvarez, municipal director of Environment, confirms that the outback route adopted by Petroecuador until last July and subsequently changed “arbitrarily“, remains currently the most suitable in security matter.