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New plan at Guayaquil´s port
Posted On 29 May 2014
After the idea of the Maritime Sector, Port and River Plan created by the Ministry of Transport and Public Works in conjunction with the Under-Secretariat of Ports and Maritime and River Transport, guilds from shipping companies, public and private ports met to discuss their points of view.
Although the Government has the Strategic Plan for Mobility (PEM for its Spanish acronym), which traces the route of the sector and provides that the ports of Guayaquil remain for cabotage and tourism, in July it is expected a big meeting between international and national experts, as well as those involved in the activity.
This call occurs after the Government´s decision to limit the operations of Guayaquil, transfering them to another place, and the (APG) port authoritythesis of the “unconstitutionality” on the collection of a municipal fee to dredge the Los Goles rock.
In this sense, Mayor Jaime Nebot, reiterated yesterday that the payment of the fee is legal and necessary as the removal of Los Goles rock obstacle. He also emphasized that the port area must not be used for other purposes.