Noche Amarilla: Music for the Yellow Souls
Niñosaurios, Héctor Napolitano, Droz Band, Alleguez Son, Danilo Rosero, Guayaquil City Band and a special guest will perform at the musical event to be held on Saturday on “La Noche Amarilla”, a tribute to classic Ecuadorian soccer team Barcelona.Two Bands and a soloist, who will be at the show shared with Ecuador Times the videos of their songs to Barcelona and some details of its creation.
Droz’s Blood
“Droz made a song for Barcelona exactly two years ago, when Barcelona avoided relegation thanks to Perlaza’s goal in Bellavista de Ambato, but the song was recorded in acoustic version,” says Bernardo Henriquez, Droz vocalist.
When Barcelona called for the creation of the new 2012 song, the band decided to reissue the song, they did musical arrangements and recorded it professionally. “We went to Fediscos, which coincidentally is the studio where the first Barcelona song (‘Dale Barcelona’) was recorded.”
With thousands of votes, the song “Sangre de campeón” by Droz band, became the official song of Barcelona 2012 and will be played at “Noche Amarilla” (Yellow night). The lyrics were composed by Ismael Henriques and the music was created by Bernardo Henriques and other members of the band: Ricardo Gonzalez, Gabriel Henriques, Andres Granja and Diego Manssur.
Barcelona is planning to release a record disc for the fans, which would include new songs made by ecuadorian artists, as well as classic songs and bars in Barcelona.
Roberto Bolaños: I wrote “Amarillo es mi color” as a fan first and then as a musician
“One day I woke up with the chorus of the song Yellow is my color in my head. When I got to the studio, I told David Dominguez (music producer) I have a choir in the head which is what MUST BE”.
In the early days of 2011 Roberto started working on the song, “first as a fan and then as a musician”, and in 3 days was ready demo. Then he released a short video that started to spread through social networks.
“(…) I thought this song is the people must learn to get to the Yellow Night and sing with them. We do not want to go and play a song and people were saying `nice’.”
Roberto, director and saxophonist of Guayaquil City Band (GCB), is looking forward to next week Amarilla. Martin Guerrero, lead singer of GCB, says that for him “sing for Barcelona at Monumental Stadium will be a dream come true and a great pride.”
Danilo Rosero’s passion
“I’m a fan of Barcelona since I was a toddler and I loved to have the chance of singing to my team,” says Ecuadorian singer Danilo Rosero, who will perform his song “Barcelona es mi pasión”.
“The song was made by Roy Maruri and Gino Freire, they showed it to me, I liked it a lot but we fixed some details in the studio and I recorded it in the United States with my producer Joel Someillan,” says Danilo.
“I’m going to sing two songs of my repertoire as well and we’ll close the event singing a well-known Barcelona song,” said the interpreter.