Ola Bini came out of prison

The Provincial Court of Pichincha accepted the habeas corpus filed on behalf of the Swedish computer scientist.
The Provincial Court of Pichincha accepted the petition of habeas corpus filed by Ola Bini on Thursday, June 20, and ordered the release of the Swedish computer scientist, who was arrested on April 11 on suspicion of having participated in a supposed network of espionage that infiltrated Ecuadorian government systems. Since then he remained in preventive detention in the Provisional Detention Center of El Inca, in Quito.
Bini’s lawyers, who claim to be innocent, have been trying for two months to have the judges commute the remand for bail, but on May 2, the Provincial Court of Pichincha ratified the prison order against him and the 29 that same month the request for bail was denied.
“I’m not at liberty, I’ll just get out of prison but I’m not free, as long as this illegal persecution continues, I’m not free,” Ola Bini said at the end of the hearing.
Courtesy. pic.twitter.com/poDSz1w4i8
– Diario Expreso (@Expresoec) June 21, 2019
This week, the defense of who is recognized as a friend of Julian Assange, filed a writ of habeas corpus to get his release, considering illegal and arbitrary the entire process against him because, they claimed, they were unaware of the violation for which he was arrested and imprisoned .
The decision was made after Patricio Vaca and Henry Cáliz voted in favor of the release, unlike the only one against Miguel Narváez.
Bini was released from prison at approximately 10:30 pm this Thursday, June 20, 2019. “Thanks to the people in Ecuador, to my team and to all who believed in me. Today we prove my innocence for the first time and we will continue to prove it (…), “Bini told the media.
The Swedish computer scientist Ola Bini came out of prison. In his first statements to the media he thanked those who believed in his innocence. “… Today we prove my innocence for the first time and we will continue to prove it,” Bini told the media. ▶ ️https: //t.co/2zKW70DcJWpic.twitter.com/lAXDlIpW5o
Source: https://www.expreso.ec/actualidad/olabini-habeascorpus-aceptado-libertad-XI2921154