Pierina Correa is dismissed and the Fedeguayas, intervened
“The Fedeguayas board is ceased to function.” Thus, the secretary of Sport, Andrea Sotomayor, announced on Wednesday the intervention to the Sports Federation of Guayas and the suspension of its principal, Pierina Correa, and its leadership.
On September 25, Correa, then president of the Fedeguayas – previously also licensed because she is a candidate for the Prefecture of this province – explained to El Diario newspaper the reason for the disastrous state of the scenarios that her entity manages: “The priority they are the athletes and the sporting work “, and not the maintenance of the facilities and infrastructure that Fedeguayas has to its position.
Also last September, Rosa Edith Rada, then administrator of Fedeguayas, spoke of the causes of the abandonment of several traditional scenarios and attributed them to an economic origin: “If (the State) gave us a little more money, they would be spectacularly impeccable. “
Yesterday, four months after the publication of a series of reports in which this newspaper denounced the destruction of buildings such as the Model Stadium – its football field and the athletic track – the Voltaire Paladines Polo arena, the Víctor Emilio athletics track Estrada and the Olympic swimming pools and the Four Musketeers – “at least they have water”, Rada mentioned – the Ministry of Sport announced the state intervention of the Fedeguayas.
“Via social networks and also on its official website, that unit directed by Andrea Sotomayor reported” that in use of its powers framed in the law, decided to intervene to the Sports Federation of Guayas for having determined the cause established in letter c) Article 165 of the Law on Sports, Physical Education and Recreation, a rule that provides that this state portfolio may intervene when “there is imminent danger of damage to the state sports heritage.”
“An intervention lasts 90 days and in the case of Fedeguayas at that time things will not be resolved. The big responsible for this is the State because the people who are in charge of Fedeguayas are its delegates and if the State failed, it must rectify. The problems are not only in the pools and on the walls, there are others that the Secretariat should establish, “said Cesar Pólit Ycaza, former president of the Provincial Volleyball Association of Guayas, last October and extitular of the Ecuadorian Federation of that discipline and author of the book Estado y deporte. Friends and intimate enemies.
The Ministry of Sports reported that “a technical administrator, a legal, administrative will make up the team of auditors.” The designated ones are Jorge Murillo, Cristian Yumbla and Nery Velástegui.
According to Israel Verdugo, Zonal coordinator 5 of the Ministry of Sport: “Articles 14 literal n) and 163 of the Sports Law establish that the Secretariat has the power to intervene to sports bodies that receive public funds, in order to restore the optimal conditions for the normal functioning of the entity. The scenarios (of Fedeguayas) belong to the sporting heritage “of the country.
Correa, in a statement to presidents of provincial associations, said that Fedeguayas was “intervened with all the government and press apparatus, without legal support or arguments. They cease every manager. (Fedeguayas) will be adrift, because with this we left the Federation Rosa Rada and I in total ignorance of the management carried out and the historical achievements. ” It is a pure political issue against me (the intervention to Fedeguayas). Ironically when I’m licensed by the candidacy (to prefect). A shame. Pierina Correa, former president of Fedeguayas
2019 budget
Of the annual projection of Fedeguayas almost 75% of $ 7.4 million are for human and administrative talent and 12.35% is for facilities, which “are not a priority”. (I)