Pimán, reflection of its own history

After the great earthquake that shook the north area in the nineteenth century, the library and the chapel of Pimán remain intact, while the house that was struck down by the telluric movement was again created by a famous French landscape architect who worked in the Palace of Versailles.
He managed to maintain the original design of the mansion, which stands out for its stately architecture, not at all conventional, compared to the conservative haciendas of the time, and which rather have similarity with the country houses of southern Colombia or its neighbor Venezuela. The species of Brazilian trees existing in the garden, and the painted eaves, are from the middle of the 20th century. An outdoor patio, which encircles the walls of the house, welcomes locals and strangers, in a separate world, which conquers, due to its absolute calm and privacy, one of the most outstanding characteristics of the place, according to Guillermo Zaldumbide, administrator and owner of Pimán , with whom I am pleasantly, after many, many years. “The location of Pimán is very important because its privacy does not have any other; it is isolated from the roads and from all population growth; It is an oasis, or have the feeling of moving to what was centuries ago. “
History and literature
Since the farm was founded, with Juan Zaldumbide Ibarguengoitia, his descendants were responsible for cultivating the land and developing a farm; In addition, curiously, they created the first brewery in the hacienda’s wasteland, called ‘Yuracruz’. But in Pimán, literature occupies a leading role in this story, since agricultural or dairy production was not really contemplated. One of his heirs, the unforgettable Ecuadorian poet Julio Zaldumbide Gangotena and, later, his son Gonzalo Zaldumbide, were pillars of culture in Ecuador. His literary works are available to everyone, and have even been disseminated at the academic level. Gonzalo Zaldumbide, married to the pianist Isabel Rosales, who was also an illustrious diplomat who traveled the world, and wrote the Tragic Eclogue, precisely in Pimán, a work that, needless to say, transcended the culture of the country.
Her only daughter, Celia Zaldumbide Rosales, is another cultural reference in the country, as she was a patron of art and music. In Villa Celia, she created the Zaldumbide-Rosales Foundation, where the goal is to preserve and exhibit pieces of art from all over the world, which were inherited from the family, but, above all, to encourage the musical development of current generations. In fact, recitals and piano concerts are held in the village, among select groups of guests (see more information at www.villacelie.ec).
A space for relaxation
From those times, Pimán was conceived as a redoubt of retirement and rest, a concept that has been respected until now. “Currently, the house is no more than a reflection of its own history. It has been restored in recent years, and, since 2013, we welcome guests who value the simple pleasures of life, and who enjoy the historic atmosphere of the house, its artistic pieces, its antiques, its literary heritage, its warm corners , as well as its beautiful rooms, its gardens, its old chapel, and, above all, the personalized service we offer, “says Guillermo, who along with his wife, Roxana Ammeter, are hoteliers by trade, as they are also owners of Sacha Lodge in the Amazon, and Casa Aliso, in Quito.
Both carried out this ambitious project to rescue the history of Pimán, now with 17 rooms, -7 in the colonial house and 10 more “casitas” – all, with an exclusive design and its own environment.
Local cuisine
Among its services, gastronomy stands out with a gourmet menu, made up of local dishes, but with a unique and different proposal.
It is worth noting the activities that can be done in the hacienda, when the surrounding nature is a plus, enjoying extended walks along its 5 hectares, heated pool, sauna, massage area, and also rides on mountain electric bicycles to who prefer it who can ask for more for a perfect weekend? $ 99 is the cost of the night, room for two people + breakfast and $ 29 for dinner. (I)
Source: https://www.expreso.ec/suplementos/semana/piman-historia-hacienda-ibarra-chota-literatura-YA2772607