Pollution threats the pink river dolphin
Yesterday, environmentalists warned that, due to pollution and other factors, the Chinese white dolphin, known as pink river dolphin due to its colour, could disappear from the waters of Hong Kong if urgent measures are not taken against the pollution.
These mammals, unique by its pink color, were the official mascot when the United Kingdom returned the colony to China in 1997, are a species genetically derived from the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin, and it is “under threat”, according to the International Union for the conservation of nature.
The population of this species in Hong Kong has dropped from 158 in 2003 to 78 in 2011, and a further decrease is expected for 2012, so said by the Hong Kong Dolphin Conservation Society.
“It is up to the Government and every citizen of Hong Kong to defend the dolphins. We run the risk that they will disappear if we do not take joint action,”said Samuel Hung, President of the society.