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Presence of oil in Salinas beach activates the alerts
Posted On 12 Oct 2016
Odors of hydrocarbon and black sand took by surprise swimmers who came to the Petropolis sector, an area where the first buildings of Salinas are located, near the port of Santa Rosa and an area in which there are machines for oil exploitation.
Although for the group of swimmers this was new, for the guardians of some of the buildings at the foot of the sea, for traders and some residents this situation is “normal.”
“The sand in that part has always been black and this is normal,” said Gloria Gonzalez, who lives nearby and goes to the beach from time to time.
On the subject, Santiago Tapia, of the Agency for Regulation and Hydrocarbon Control (ARCH), said: “In this case it is not an oil spill, this is a natural outcrop by the action of the tides and the strike with tar sands (which contain a natural oil) that exists in the subsoil of the area.”