Presidency delivered its list of candidates for CJ
The presidency presented the Citizen Participation Council (CPC for its Spanish acronym) its list of representatives to the Council of the Judiciary (CJ for its Spanish acronym).
The list consists of two engineers and one economist:
Paulo Rodriguez Molina
Telecommunications Engineer. Current President of the Transitional Judicial Council. Former Director of the National Skills Council. Former Director of the Civil Registry.
Glenda Calvas Chavez
Economist. Good Living General Secretary in the Ministry of Planning. Former Technique Undersecretary of the Ministry of Culture. She has a degree in Development Economics.
Alejandro Subia Sandoval
Telecommunications Engineer. Current Advisor in the Presidency of the Republic. Former Chief of Information Technology Systems in the Internal Revenue Service.
According to Article 179 of the Constitution, the next Council will be composed of five delegates and alternates, elected by lists submitted by the National Assembly, the Public Defender, the General Attorney, the Executive Power and the National Court of Justice.
- List from National Assembly: Ana Karina Peralta, Teodoro Delgado and Saira Romero.
- List from Public Defender: Nestor Arbito, Patlova Guerra and Maria Davalos.
- List from the General Attorney of the State: Tania Arias, Irene Pesantez and Rosa Jimenez.
With these lists, the CPC will initiate a competition to form the CJ, which will be in office for six years. (MZ)