Quick count will be based on just 35% of ballots
That is the percentage established by the president of the National Electoral Council (CNE for its Spanish acronym), Domingo Paredes, after saying in recent days that the count would be made with 50% of ballots.
This week, the agency did workshops to inform the details of the scrutiny systems, security and quick count for the elections. The last one mentioned will be made with equipments provided by the Dominican Central Electoral Board.
The number of ballots for the sample will be 13,774 (3,279 in Guayas, 2,384 in Pichincha and 1,317 in Manabi), ie, 3,948,272 voters. (975,111 in Guayas, 695,414 in Pichincha and 383,721 in Manabi).
It should be noted that the sample design excludes migrants eligible for voting.
Juan Carlos Chico, in charge of the quick count project, said the system was set up and put together in 25 days.