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Quotes of Rafael Correa, after the triumph
Posted On 18 Feb 2013
Expreso Newspaper on its website contains some expressions of Rafael Correa, who won yesterday’s elections. Here we reproduce some:
- “Thanks to our migrants, who had to leave for the bank holiday”
- “I want to tell everyone here that bank-cracy shall not rule and that we can make mistakes, but we do not want to fail you”
- “The bank bailout is a true reflection of who ruled in Ecuador, the power of always”
- “We must continue to prioritize the social debt payments on external debt, work effectively to reduce poverty in Ecuador”
- “We want an honest and responsible press, never with prior censorship to further liability if, for a good democracy”
- “Latin American integration is a necessity for survival, to address transnational capital”
- “We’re not going to mortgage the country for foreign investment”
- “They talk about judicial independence and what more they (the press) do is interfering with it. Declare innocent or guilty with headlines”
- “There is a fundamental problem with the press: it keeps hurting, misinform, manipulates, because invents what is best”
- “We expect the speedy recovery of Chavez. Greetings to his family. I admire him greatly for having worked for Venezuela.”